Xie Ai Ge

Xie Aige was born in 1977 in the Hunan province of China. She graduated  from the Shanghai Fine Arts College and is currently a member of the Shanghai Sculpture Society. Her artworks have been featured in multiple publications including "Contemporary Modern Art" and "Outstanding Young Artist Publication", among others.

Romance and freedom belong to our human nature, and chasing them is like cultivating excellence. According to the artist, the pure heart has been changed by the material. Xie Aige’s work is trying to illustrate the essence of human nature - getting off all the chains and getting back to nature - to show the true colors of soul. Within the Chinese sculpting community which is a melting pot of many trends (e.g. classical, modern, and post-modern), Xie Aige is a sculptor who deserves a special place.  Her sculptures are very characteristic of her way of life, traditional and modern at the same time, while reflecting her Hunan province roots; they are shaped in a kind of abstract mould that is yet very modernist.

“I enjoy capting transient moment and trivial things in life and transport them into my work. The characters appearing in my work are mostly portrayed in a state of total relaxation in total simplicity. They just behave themselves, with no artifice, make up, and designed postures. They seem to live in their own world, enjoying their own lives, without noticing the time passing and the world changing. It is a moment with no time dimension, space and environment."

- Xie Ai Ge


Li Chen 


John Bizas